

This is a title track from upcoming 4th album, to be released in April 29th 2022 on CD and digital. MC / LP - info about preorder soon.

1. Co nas łączy / What unites us (05:38)
2. Powięź / Fascia (15:04)
3. Lęk i olśnienie / Anxiety and Lucidity (01:06)
4. Podchody / Foot chase (09:32)
5. Twierdzenie o nieskończonej liczbie małp / Infinite monkey theorem (00:52)
6. Ruskie drogi / Russian roads (08:12)
7. To nas dzieli / It divides us (01:25)

LP to be released cooperatively by Red Wig / Dur et Deux / Korobushka and Kurws.
CD to be released by both Gustaff Records and Dur et Deux simultaneously.

Recorded in 2021 by Piotr Zabrodzki in Studio Pasterka.

Photo: Jakub Frank
Sculpture: Matej Frank

For more info go to Kurws.org


from Powi​ę​ź / Fascia - a title track from upcoming album, released January 26, 2022
Dawid Bargenda - drums
Hubert Kostkiewicz - guitar, waterphone, bells
Jakub Majchrzak - bass



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